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Enhance the Activities that Shape your Life!

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In these practical and playful sessions, learn to move more efficiently and effectively in fundamental activities (walking, sitting, lifting), everyday activities, work skills, leisure & creative pursuits. With sessions tailored to your interests, enhance the activities you care about by gaining greater freedom of movement and increased wellbeing. 


Wednesday 6pm - 9pm

22nd May


Atwea College

100 Laman St, Cooks Hill

In this Introduction learn:-

the influence of the head/spine relationship on movement and how you can consciously optimise this relationship. Start applying the Alexander Process to activities you care about in a playful session, tailored to your needs and interests.  

Interested in a specific activity?  

      Bring along activity equipment such as musical instruments, exercise weights, yoga mat, playscriptcraft activity, laptop or work presentation.


Wednesdays 7pm - 9pm

12th June - 26th June


Atwea College

100 Laman St, Cooks Hill

 In these 3 sessions explore:-

- the influence of the head/spine relationship on movement

- body mapping  

- co-ordinating to your YES

          ...all the while exploring activities you care about in a supportive and playful environment.

Interested in a specific activity?  

      Bring along activity equipment such as musical instruments, exercise weights, yoga mat, playscriptcraft activity, laptop or work presentation.

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